Registration and Fee InformationPlease note that all persons intending to attend the conference must register, including members of the scientific and organizing committees, speakers, and delegates. Registration and payment of fees for SILICAMICS 2 are provided by the University of Victoria's 3rd party provider ePly.com Registration and abstract submissions are separate processes, but should be completed at the same time. For access as a student participant, student registrants need to bring proof of full-time student status and present it when they receive their registration package at the start of the conference. Important dates Conference: June 6-8, 2018 Deadline for registration and abstract submission: 23:59 (Pacific Daylight Time) April 30, 2018 Fees Registration fees (Canadian dollar) for SILICAMICS 2 will be: Regular participant: $450 Included in the fee: • Access to conference and admission to all sessions Companion tickets for the conference dinner may be purchased for $100. A 50% cancellation fee will be charged until April 30. After April 30, no refunds will be offered. Following registraction, abstracts should be submitted on the following page: Abstracts should be limited to a title of less than 30 words, and a body less than 350 words. The general idea is that each abstract does not occupy more than a page. Abstracts will be submitted directly through the website, not through a file upload, however a template with the requirements is available.